Wowee it seems all the albums coming out this year are leaking left, right and centre. This blog will not feature any of those albums that have leaked recently, but however a couple of albums which have took my fancy this year and have already been released, or are set to be released very soon.
The Mae Shi - HLLLYH
Moshi Moshi
This is the fourth release from the Californians, and out in this country on the always excellent Moshi Moshi. Who with this album have added yet another fine piece of music to add to there already fantastic list of artists. The Mae Shi featured on my blog a couple of weeks ago, and at that point I’d only heard a few songs but now I have heard the full 14 songs from their album wonderfully titled “HLLLYH”. My verdict a couple of weeks ago was that I highly recommend them, my verdict now: I HIGHLY recommend them IF you like a bit screamy vocals, some electronic sounds and some hefty guitar riffs! Why wouldn’t you like that combination? Of course you bloody would, that is why you should purchase this album even if HMV is selling it for £14, the robbing bastards. Get it from Banquet Records for 4 pounds cheaper I say!
Born Ruffians – Red, Yellow and Blue
26th of May
Born Ruffians are a band I have never featured on this blog for reasons I cannot explain, however let’s just say I was never a big fan to begin with. The EP “Born Ruffians” did not do a lot for me, however new album “Red, Yellow and Blue” hits all the right buttons for my two ears. Released on May 26th according to the official website on Warp Records (!!!, Battles, Maximo Park). So far making connections with Born Ruffians and other bands I’ve found extremely difficult which is definitely testament to Born Ruffians unique sound. Tokyo Police Club comparisons are likely because they are 1. Friends and 2. They are both from Canada. “Barnacle Goose” shows off lead singer Luke’s distinct vocals where as songs such as “I Need a Life”, “Hummingbird” and “Badonkadonkey” provide us with 3 minutes or so catchy pop songs. Born Ruffians aren’t for everyone (but then who is?) however give them a try, give them a chance and you might just be surprised.
MGMT – Oracular Spectacular
Saved the best till last but how late is this recommendation? Very late is the answer however late publicity for a band is better than no publicity, not that this band has had none. Quite the opposite actually, BBC tipped them for success at the start of the year (although they were number 9 – still very respectful). The album is like nothing released this year, because the influences and sounds that are in each song come from all over the place. You can hear some psychedelic (“The Youth”), some Electronic (aptly named “Electric Feel”), a slice of Britpop, College Rock and the list goes on. Others songs such as “Time To Pretend”, “Kids” and “Weekend Wars” provide us with some blockbusters. Further into the album “The Handshake” is yet another example of the diversity of this band. I know when December comes this album will be somewhere in my top 10 favourite albums of the year, so what you waiting for? Go out now and buy it.
The Mae Shi - HLLLYH
Moshi Moshi

Born Ruffians – Red, Yellow and Blue
26th of May

MGMT – Oracular Spectacular