Friday, 11 January 2008

Top Albums 2007 [Part One].

10. Simian Mobile Disco – Attack Decay Sustain Release

10th place was a close battle between the Simian Mobile Disco album and the Justice Album, and SMD won for me. I can enjoy more of the songs on this album in comparison to the ‘Cross’. Was pleasantly surprised when I got hold of this and it’s an album I can dip in and out of all the time without feeling like I want move the song on to the singles.

9. 1990s – Cookies

Really impressed when I received this record, and what did it for me was seeing them live at Reading last year and realising what a really good band they are. Tight on record and tight live this album and the 1990s are the best things to come out of Scotland last year.

8. The Maccabees – Colour It In

High expectations from me and from critics alike this album did not fail to disappoint. To begin with I found myself not really liking the album, but after a couple of listens I began to love the newly done versions of songs, the inclusion of a few old B-Sides and a couple of new tracks. I am now very excited to see what is next from The Maccabees.

7. Good Shoes – Think Before You Speak

This could’ve been number one on this list, which is the only disappointing thing about the album, is that it could’ve been so much better. However, it is still a strong album and every song could well be a single and I think live is where Good Shoes really show off what a great band they are.

6. The Cribs – Men’s Needs, Women’s Needs, Whatever

Was not a fan of the album title; however that would not stop me from loving this album. From the very moment I listened to the punk sound of opener ‘Our Bovine Public’ to the beautifully delivered ‘Shoot the Poets’ I was in love with this album. ‘Be Safe’ is an epic song and one that will probably come with me to my grave, The Cribs third album does not disappoint.

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