Friday, 4 January 2008

Leaks Galore.

This here is my first post of 2008 and well it doesn't feel any different posting in 2008 than it did to posting 2007. The last time I communicated via this medium of communication Santa Claus was travelling through the skies, presents were being placed under the tree and the joys of Christmas were upon us. January is the month of depression, the month we realise we ate too much chocolates, stuffing and mince pies over the space of a few days. It's the month we read our bank statements to realise that Christmas has struck not only our bellies but our bank balance too. What could possibly cheer you up after all this gloom?

I have that very answer. I woke up at 4am this morning after dreaming it was December 23rd 2008 (how bizarre) and I as much as I tried I couldn't get back to sleep. The laptop was powered up and my eyes were ready for hours of browsing, upon browsing I discovered a wonderful present. 'Hold On Now, Youngster' the debut album by the fantastic Los Campesinos! I plugged in my new shiny BIG Sony headphones into my laptop and hoped that the album would fulfil their potential as a band. I won't give my opinion yet, as I've only listened once and it was at 4.34am however I will say fans of LC will not be disappointed.

Other leaks over Christmas that have delighted my ears include Vampire Weekend (new versions of M 79 and I Stand Corrected are excellent) and contender for debut album of 2008 (it's early, I know) Blood Red Shoes. Expect a post tomorrow and Sunday with my top tracks, albums and gigs of 2007. Then sadly it it is back to University to get on with my studies for a couple of months before returning home for Easter/my 20th Birthday (very fucking scary).

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